Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beinq Lied To .. . .

Everyone in this world --at some  point in their lives-- comes across a person who lies to them. Personally, i hate it. Yes, we all lie. Whether they're "little" white lies, or deep life changing lies. The thing is that although we lie as well, we don't like to be lied to. They say treat others the way you want to be treated, but in many cases, you won't be treated how you treat others. Growing up, we've been lied to. Yes, they may have been little lies, but they're still lies. Whatever happened to the "monster in the closet" scary right? Truth is, there is no monster in the closet! I wish I would've known that before all those nights of no sleep and eyes closed tight because the monster was going to eat me! Another lie: "Eat your carrots so your vision can get better and you can be like superman!" As far as I know, I've been eating carrots for the longest and I still have to wear glasses! Thanks a lot! 

So now that we got a bit of the small lies we're told when we're young, let's go through the dramatic middle school lies. Nowadays, girls seem to fall way more over the stupidest lies that guys tell them. "I'm not cheating on you." One word: R I D I C U L O U S.
1. Who in the hell gave you permission to be in a relationship when you can't even wash your damn underwear?!
2. Do you even know what a RELATIONSHIP is?!
3. How do you expect a middle school KID to be "faithful" to you when he has the rest of his life ahead of him?!
4. Why would you even ask him if he's cheating on you to begin with?!

So this is my logic, maybe you won't agree with me but let me explain each and every one of the reasons I listed.
1.Who in the hell gave you permission to be in a relationship when you can't even wash your damn underwear?!
Middle school starts from 6th to 8th grade. Maybe I'd be okay with 8th grade dating, but it should just be puppy love.  Anyways, if your parents let you have a boyfriend in 6th grade, i feel bad for both your parents and yourself. Why your parents? Well, because they're going to have to listen to your lame ass talk about heart breaks at an age where you don't even know what the hell that is! It's simple: You don't know what love is,you don't know how to survive by yourself without mommy and daddy there to help you out, and you don't know what a relationship signifies. I feel bad for you because once you realize that you're going to look like a slut after so many breakups (which I guarantee) you will most likely end up pregnant in high school. Goodbye life, goodbye dreams, hello end of your life. So maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but let's be realistic for a moment. How many cases do you see nowadays where there are teen pregnancies, and even junior high pregnancies? The answer: Many. If you don't believe me, watch the news and look at the T.v shows. 16 & pregnant  , Teen Mom. They have made television shows about pregnant C H I L D R E N. What? You think you're an adult just because you're having a baby? HA-HA you're funny. You're a child having and raising a child. End of story. 

 2.Do you even know what a relationship is?!
The answer: no, you don't. At this age you don't know what a commitment is. You shouldn't even be committed to a guy at that age.  The only thing you should be worried about is school, and that you have enough air to breathe.

3.How do you expect a middle school KID to be "faithful" to you when he has the rest of his life ahead of him?!
Truth is, you're not going to find a faithful person in middle school. Their hormones are beginning to go crazy. If he's cheating on you, let him be. I guarantee that in 5 or even 2 years, he won't be with that person anymore and you can do much better. If he's cheating on you, he doesn't want you so don't beg and don't stress over it. There's nothing wrong with you, you're just not the person for him. Oh and by the way: DON'T BE A DRAMA QUEEN. Stop telling your friends all the drama and stop saying that you can't live without him. YOU CAN. As far as I know, a guy isn't the supply of your oxygen. 

4.Why would you even ask him if he's cheating on you to begin with?!
If you're stupid enough to even ask him if he's cheating on you, then this proves you have no idea how to be in a relationship. Guys are pretty smart so if he IS cheating on you and you ask him something like that, odds are he will say "Wow, you don't trust me and you're my girlfriend?" Then, he will play the role of a victim. So therefore, don't even waste your time asking, just find out on your own and keep it low key. 

So anyways, jumping back on topic. Your so called "friends" can be the ones to betray you the most. Like they say, Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. This doesn't mean to go get people that hate you and have them close to you. That would just be pretty stupid. When you think about it, your "friends" are the ones who know the most about you. They know how old you are, what you like and what you don't like, where you live, who is your family, and who's your boyfriend or girlfriend.
 Recently, one of my so called friend, betrayed my other friend. We were really close and inseparable. We told each other every secret and we had so much trust in each other. Let's say that the betrayer's name is Regina and my friends name is Jenny. So Jenny had a boyfriend whom she loved with all her heart and she always talked about him 24/7 . Let's say that his name is Nick. So Nick was really sweet and always sent her poems and told her he loved her. Jenny would tell both Regina and I that she LOVED him ALL THE TIME. One day, Jenny found out that Regina talked to Nick and neither of us liked that. We know how Regina is and she is a flirt. She cannot talk to any guy without flirting or thinking that the guy likes her. Jenny had already known that something bad was going to happen so she had warned Nick to stop talking to her and I had warned Regina the same thing. Unfortunately, both of them were so stubborn and didn't listen. That lead to more intimate talking. Eventually, they got together behind Jenny's back. That obviously hurt Jenny and ended the friendship that we had with Regina. Now, Jenny and I are closer than ever and we don't talk to Regina at all because of so many lies that she had told us.

In conclusion, none of us like lies yet we are liars ourselves. Lies are what make up drama. We've all grown up with lies since we were younger. Being lied to is the worst thing ever. It's something none of us want to go through.
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies ....

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