Saturday, August 20, 2011

Animal Cruelty

All over the world, animal cruelty is taken place. People don't seem to care whether it's legal or illegal. The fact that any human being would do such harm to a living creature that can't speak up for itself is terrifying! There is animal testing going on in laboratories, working animals are being mistreated, and just for our entertainment wild animals are put in circus's, zoo's, amusement parks, and many more.They're captured like slaves.

Animals shouldn't be punished just for our entertainment. Here's the thing, WILD animals belong in the WILD. We always hear in the news that an animal attacked a human and of course they take the animal as a danger. Well duhh! Wat Do You Expect? Eventually the animals gets tired of people mistreating and enslaving them. Don't you think it's obvious they would act up?

Is it just me or do people in this world don't think or have a heart? There are commercials showing that dogs and cats are left in the streets all sick & mistreated. Honestly, I don't understand why anyone would do that. That's like beating up your kid then abandoning it on the freeway. Animals may not be able to tell you in words exactly to "Stop" but just like us human beings, they have feelings. They feel the pain when you kick them. They Feel the burn when you throw them. They feel the pain in their heart when you abandon them. You can see the sadness in their eyes. Worst of all, that scars them. It makes them afraid of trusting another human being. People put them at the border of death. Some are rescued (thank god), but many die. They die in pain, sadness, abandonment, loneliness, starvation, and without love.

People, it's about time we do something about it. If you don't want the animal don't hurt it, there are people that would adopt it. If you're going to mistreat your animal, DON'T. You feel mad do not take it out on an animal, punch a tree, hit a boxing bag, take it out on exercise but don't be a part of animal cruelty. Help out, become a member of SPANA, or any other animal helping group.Go to to find out more on how you can help.

Help out . Don't be a part of the problem.

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